Krsna Kirtana Songs est. 2001                                                                                                                                       

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Raga Name: Kedar

That Name: Kalyana

Aroha: S M P, M P D n D P S’

Avaroha: S’ D n D P, M P D P m,S R S

Jati: Audava – Sadava

Vadi: m

Samvadi: S

Swarupa: S M P, M P D P m, S R S

Prahar: 7th Prahar (9 PM to 12 AM)


Raga Information:

Raga Kedar is an all time popular ragas from the Kalyana That. Unlike most of the Kalyana That ragas, this raga tends to completely eliminate the Ga, and limits its use as a kans-swar (a sparing touch of a note). In the whole raga, both forms of Ma are used, but the aroha only uses the Tivra Ma, while the avaroha only has its instance of suddha ma, on the final end of the downgrade. Tivra Ma. As many Kalyana That ragas tend to bear Tivra Ma and made it well known of its use, this raga uses Tivra Ma but it does not make a dominant presence as its siblings, Yaman, Yaman Kalyana, and Hindol, for instance, can do.


UPDATED: September 1, 2015